By on December 2nd, 2021 in Windows

Window Installation: Window Company vs. General Contractor

You’re planning to get a window replaced, but who should you hire? A window company or a general contractor? You know that both can deal with the installation, but you want to get the best benefits for your money. You’re also mindful of the possible problems that can be encountered with the removal of your …

By on September 9th, 2021 in Windows

How to Choose Bedroom Windows

Whether you’re trying to match your impact windows and doors, getting the right windows for your bedroom can be quite a task. There are specific things you need to consider before finalizing your purchase. As a guide, we have listed them down here.

By on July 16th, 2021 in Window

Are Impact Window Required in Florida?

While regions like Florida frequently experience major weather events, it’s expected that homeowners have windows that can protect them from serious weather conditions. However, are they considered a necessity? We’ll discuss more about impact windows in this post.